

Can I use search operators ?

Yes, you can! The search offers:
  • OR: e.g. bagel OR donut will results in bagels and donuts
  • quotes: e.g. "almond milk" wil only give results with the exact words in that order.
  • - (minus):e.g. -raw will not give results where the word "raw" occurs

Aren't nutritional requirements dependent on your profile, like body, type, sex and activity ?

O yes, they are! That's why we have that profile icon in the top right corner! Check it out!

How do I track my daily or weekly nutrition?

You can use recipes for that. You see, a recipe doesn't need to be one meal, you can add to it everything you eat for one day/week and have a look at it at the end of the day/week. This is a good way to track which nutrition you are regularly missing.

Why is food shown with different weights on the food detail page instead of all the same (e.g. 100g)?

Because it's a common mistake to compare foods with the same weight. What you should compare is the nutrient value for the same calories! So, if a weight is not specifically chosen, we default the weight to one third of your daily calorie needs. Unless it becomes very big (e.g. with herbs), then we put it to a certain maximum.

Automatic image guessing from wikimedia with crowd voted corrections.

Images on food/ingredients or missing recipe images will be automatically guessed by the system, checking Wikimedia Commons for images with most words similar to the food (resp. recipe) description.
But users, like yourself, can correct the system by voting for better pictures. When hovering over the picture, you can click the thumps up or down to cast your vote (👎👍).

You can always click thumbs down (👎) without problem, since you will be presented with other images from Wikimedia Commons before voting for another.
Here, you can also change the words of the description. Often the order of the words or leaving out some words or trying synonyms will give better photos, even trying different languages.
Some example synonyms: cooked boiled steamed prepared / raw plant growing seedling / seeds grains / etc.
Best of all, if no picture is available anyone can upload images on Wikimedia Commons and it will be found by our guessing algorithm.
(In the worst case, search google images inside wikimedia or wikipedia, because google translates and uses synonyms automatically. Unfortunatly our algorithm doesnt. E.g. "raab broccoli")

Sorting & filtering

Why sorting "per calorie" and why default ?

If you check food for a nutrient ("good stuff"), not per weight, but per calory, there are two possible benefits you get by this, knowing that we only need a certain calory of food per day.
  1. You can evade too much of food that looks healthy, but contains too much calories (often fat).
    Best example: Nuts contain many proteins and amino acids, but using them only for your protein intake, will make you eat way too much fat.
  2. Low calory food seem to have not much nutrients at all on a first look (by weight), but we can eat more of it and so we would get more nutrients from it.
    Best examples: Food with a lot of water. (Fruits, vegetables, ..) Food that some cultures are not used to eat unless in small quantities. (Herbs, ..).

What is "Combined sort" ?

If you sort food by several elements, it often doesn't make any difference beyond the first sort field. This is because when the first field is very precise, it takes precedence in sorting over all the others. So maybe after 100 or 1000 records, the sorting of the next field will count, and then the next and so on. And with nutritional values, most fields are very precise!
That's where "combine sort" comes into play. It makes all fields less precise, it rounds it of.
The less percentage you choose, the more the first fields matter and the less they all matter together.

What does the filter "No concentrates" do ?

this filters out very concentrated and/or processed food since they are often not what we desire to search for, especially when we are searching for certain nutrients-rich daily ingredients. In the latter case, we would get all these concentrates at the top results, crowding the more interesting results.
It's actually just a pre-defined word filter, which filter words such as..
Flour, isolate, concentrate, meal, powder, dried, extract-wheat, agent, unprepared, enriched, dehydrated

Nutritional terms and info

Where does the data come from?

the data comes from the USDA Nutritional database. What is USDA?  

I don't trust the USDA. They are pro-meat, anti-vegan or they conspire pro animal products.

Well, here is the thing. Íf the data is really biased negatively towards non animal products, but it still proves that we can live just as healthy without, doesn't that mean the latter is even more true! And it does! So it only gives us an advantage.
In other words, when someone tries to falsify data against idea X and the data still favors X, it means idea X is very strong!

What does this word "veg*n" (with an asterisk) mean?

It's an easy way to say vegan and vegetarian in just one word. The asterisk replaces the middle part that is different in both words.

Do we need the same nutrition independent on time of day? What kind of requirements is 100% ?

the percentages of nutrients in foods and recipes are based on DAILY required numbers. Since for most people and a healthy diet breakfast, dinner and supper (and snacks) look very different considering micro- and macro-nutrients, this should be taken into account when looking at the numbers.

What is "RDI" ?

RDI stands for Recommended Daily Intake or Reference Daily Intake (RDI). It's is the daily intake level of a nutrient that is considered to be sufficient to meet the requirements of 97–98% of healthy individuals in every demographic in the United States.  

Why are you listing omega-3 EPA and DHA ? Are they important?

EPA and DHA, the second and third form of omega−3 fatty acids involved in human physiology, are much less found in non-animal products, mainly seaweed. And though the human body can produce them from the first form (ALA), it differs individually and is very limited. Recent research have shown they are pretty important in several domains. Most known against heart diseases and for mental health.  

How do you calculate individual energy requirement?

Like a lot of nutritional requirements, your energy needs depend on your person. You can set them in your profile. Check the profile icon in the top right corner!
The formula used for calories per day is the one from Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies:

	Adult man:		ER = 662 – 9.53 × age (y) + lifestyle × (15.91 × wt [kg] + 539.6 × ht [m])
	Adult woman:	ER = 354 – 6.91 × age (y) + lifestyle × ( 9.36 × wt [kg] + 726.0 × ht [m])
A few examples
1.5 m 1.65 m 1.8 m
Weight -> 41.6 56.2 50.4 68.0 59.9 81.0
sedentary 2139 2474 2139 2474 2139 2474
low active 2351 2725 2351 2725 2351 2725
active 2615 3040 2615 3040 2615 3040
very active 2933 3418 2933 3418 2933 3418
1.5 m 1.65 m 1.8 m
Weight -> 41.6 56.2 50.4 68.0 59.9 81.0
sedentary 1797 1994 1797 1994 1797 1994
low active 1995 2215 1995 2215 1995 2215
active 2242 2492 2242 2492 2242 2492
very active 2539 2825 2539 2825 2539 2825

About this site

What's the goal of this site?

the site was originally made as a tool for vegans and vegetarians to be used as scientific defense against people that undermine the health benefits of a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle.
Not only are there so many people, even professional dietists that are so badly informed about it, not even do many of them have a big bias, it's also amazing how few vegans or vegetarians get or even know where to get scientific nutritional info. Even in the media, TV-shows (cooking show e.g.), debates, etc.., vegans and vegetarians let themselves be talked down by very bad informed so called professionals! OF course, it's always the vegan that needs to bring numbers and datasheet, the others are guilt-free. And sometimes the latter do bring data, but data that is just wrong and with this site the former can prove that.
We hope that anyone going to any of these events or anyone wanting to show their peers the scientific proof of adequate nutritional availability in a vegan ot vegetarian lifestyle, use this site before and stand on firm ground!

Why another nutritional site? / Features

Well, for one thing, most of the possible features on this site are not possible in any of the others. It may not look like it, since we've tried to minimize everything in an unobtrusive design, but there is a lot under the hood! Most of them are a bit complex though.
Some examples:

This site is hosted by an ethical and vegan host.

that's right. Since 2023, we are proud to have our site on an environment-friendly, ethical vegan host. Thank, you, Ethical Internet .

Another question?

>Send us a message on our facebook page.